WHO stands ready to support any Member State requesting our guidance in the areas of policy development, capacity building, and technical assistance. 世卫组织做好了准备,向任何要求我们在政策制定、能力建设和技术支持方面提供指导的会员国提供支持。
Safari actually leaves out the first ready state and there's no sensible explanation as to why; it's simply the way Safari works. Safari实际上把第一个就绪状态给丢弃了,也并没有什么明显的原因说明为什么要这样做;不过这就是Safari的工作方式。
This code is a great illustration of exactly what onreadystatechange means& every time the request's ready state changes, updatePage() is called and you see an alert. 这段代码就是onreadystatechange意义的一个确切展示&每次请求的就绪状态发生变化时,就调用updatePage(),然后我们就可以看到一个警告了。
Furthermore, the uninitialized ready state is pretty useless in practical applications. 另外,未初始化的就绪状态在实际的应用程序中是没有真正的用处的。
Like the ready state, the value of the responseText property changes throughout the request's life cycle. 与就绪状态类似,responseText属性的值在整个请求的生命周期中也会发生变化。
Note that you've got to check the ready state before open() is called. 注意您必须在调用open()之前来查看就绪状态。
A better idea is to provide some feedback to the user that when the ready state is3, a response is forthcoming. 比较好的做法是向用户提供一些反馈,说明在处于就绪状态3时,很快就会有响应了。
With a ready state of4 and a status code of200, you're ready to process the server's data and that data should be what you asked for ( and not an error or other problematic piece of information). 如果就绪状态是4而且状态码是200,就可以处理服务器的数据了,而且这些数据应该就是要求的数据(而不是错误或者其他有问题的信息)。
ReadyState: Provides the current HTML ready state. readyState:提供当前HTML的就绪状态。
Instead of only running code in your callback if the ready state is4, just output the ready state every time that your callback is called. 如果就绪状态为4,我们不仅要运行回调函数中的代码,而且还要在每次调用回调函数时都输出就绪状态。
The only use for this ready state in almost-real-world Ajax programming is if you make multiple requests using the same XMLHttpRequest object across multiple functions. 在大部分Ajax编程的真实情况中,这种就绪状态的唯一用法就是使用相同的XMLHttpRequest对象在多个函数之间生成多个请求。
In practice, this means that you need to retain the most recent production releases in a ready state for quick redeployment. 在实际中,这意味着需要将最新的生产版本保持在一个稳定的状态,以供快速重新部署。
Viewing an in-progress request's ready state 查看正在处理的请求的就绪状态
If a response is received, the request object registers a ready state of4. 如果接收到一个响应,那么请求对象会注册为就绪状态4。
Trust me, you'll rarely find a case where the data cannot be obtained from the responseText property when the ready state is3. 相信我,当就绪状态为3时,您很少能找到无法从responseText属性获取数据的情况。
All of the documentation and specifications insist that it's only when the ready state is4 that data is safe to use. 所有的文档和规范都强调,只有在就绪状态为4时数据才可以安全使用。
In other words, the server fulfilled the request ( meaning the HTTP ready state is4), but is probably not returning the data expected by the client. 换句话说,服务器履行了请求(即HTTP就绪状态是4)但是没有返回客户机预期的数据。
Your callback function will run several times each time the ready state of the request changes and you'll see an alert for each ready state. 这个回调函数会运行多次每次就绪状态都会改变您可以看到每个就绪状态的警告。
First and foremost, you need to learn at what state of a request you encounter each ready state. 首先,您需要学习在每种就绪状态下可能碰到的是哪种请求状态。
An HTTP ready state indicates the state or status of a request. HTTP就绪状态表示请求的状态或情形。
However, the ready state will be set to4 since the server answered the request ( even if the answer wasn't what you wanted or expected for your request). 然而,由于服务器对请求进行了应答,因此就绪状态就被设置为4(即使应答并不是请求所期望的也是如此)。
It turns out that you haven't taken into account the HTTP ready state, an important component of the request/ response cycle. 原来我们还没有考虑HTTP就绪状态,这是请求/响应循环中的一个重要部分。
When a CR is complete it sits in the Release Ready state until a scheduled release happens on every second Wednesday. 当完成一个CR时,它就被置为发布就绪状态,这个状态一直保持到每两个星期中的第二个星期三。此时正是计划的发布日期。
Therefore, any uplink data from the MS that moves the MM context at the SGSN to READY state is a valid response to paging. 因此,任何从MS来的上行数据都将做为一个有效的寻呼响应,并将在SGSN中MM上下文的状态变更为READY状态。
Negotiators and ministers at the Copenhagen climate change talks failed in their key aim yesterday to have a deal on greenhouse gas emissions ready for their heads of state and government to sign, as the majority arrived last night. 谈判者和部长们昨日未能在哥本哈根气候变化会议上实现关键目标,即达成温室气体排放协定,让国家和政府首脑能够签署。
One executive from a large Japanese power group said it was very difficult to compete with Chinese companies given their lower pricing and ready access to cheap state credit. 日本某大型电力集团的一位高管表示,很难与中国企业竞争,因为后者能够给出更低的价格和轻易获得廉价贷款。
When a GPRS MS in READY state uses DRX, DRX has to be considered when assigning a packet data channel for downlink transfer. 当一个READY状态的MS使用了DRX,DRX将在为下行数据传递分配数据包信道的时候被考虑进去。
In addition to the ready state then, you also need to check the HTTP status. 因此除了就绪状态外,还需要检查http状态。
But the value of consumers on the stem cell products is still not fully understand, ready to accept either course state. 但消费者对干细胞产品的价值始终处于似懂非懂、模棱两可的状态。
Attitude is the potential inner ready state before the behavior made, the corresponding mental attitude may trigger a corresponding behavior; And conscious behavior also have a positive impact on shaping the corresponding training psychology attitude. 态度是行为发出前的倾向性潜在心理准备状态,相应的态度可能会诱发相应的行为;而有意识的行为训练对相应心理态度的塑造也有积极的影响。